travelCARE – Travel Insurance

Are you ready for takeoff …?

Whether you are travelling for leisure or business, a travel insurance policy safeguards that your trip will be enjoyable and you won’t end up worrying about unexpected incidents that may arise.

Our travelCARE policy offers a wide range of travel related benefits such as:

  • Personal Accident cover, compensating in case of death or bodily injury of the traveller.
  • Up to €150.000 coverage for emergency medical expenses after an accident and/or illness during the trip.
  • Cover for emergency repatriation/evacuation if it is medically necessary.
  • Dental treatment expenses for emergency pain relief.
  • Loss or damage to luggage and/or personal belongings.
  • Loss and/or theft of jewellery or valuables.
  • Loss and/or theft of Personal Documents
  • Reasonable expenses for the purchase of essential items due to delay in the arrival of luggage.
  • Allowance in case of delay or cancellation of the trip due to an accident or sudden illness.
  • Trip Cancellation benefit in case of emergency call in the line of duty, emergency home-related incident, death or injury or illness of a close relative

Click here to buy your travelCARE policy with a few clicks and enjoy your trip!

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